
From TobaccoControl Tactics
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  • The Tobacco Control industry perpetuates the belief that nicotine alone is what smokers want. This hinders any serious research for many other possibilities on what makes people enjoy tobacco.
  • Tobacco Control advocates have no problem throwing old, sick and frail people out into the elements whenever they want a smoke ... "for their own good".
  • Tobacco Control advocates support discrimination in employment for smokers even if they only smoke on their own time.
  • The Tobacco Control industry lobbies property owners and condominium boards to forbid smoking in one's own home.
  • Many Tobacco Control advocates believe that smokers are not worthy of state funded healthcare.
  • Tobacco Control advocates push for ever-increasing taxes that serve in part to sustain their own careers.
  • The Tobacco Control industry believes it knows what is good for business better than do the business owners themselves.
  • There are benefits to smoking.
  • Tobacco Control advocates who don't agree with any or all of these tactics, become accomplices through their silence, rather than risk ruin of their careers. Some have said that they dared voice opposition only following retirement.
  • What’s needed is a return to healthy skepticism, honest science, fairness, and common sense.