Critical Scientists
From TobaccoControl Tactics
Scientists sceptical of Tobacco Control methods and practice
Although there are many more scientists, beyond those listed here, who disagree with current Tobacco Control policies, few dare expose their dissent.
Below is a list of those scientists who dared make their disagreements public. Often these scientists are retired and dare to speak out only because they are no longer vulnerable to any consequences imposed by the dictatorial Tobacco Control community.
Arnett Jr., Jerome C.
- Pulmonologist, Elkins, West Virginia. Policy advisor for The Heartland Institute, adjunct scholar at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and scientific advisor to the American Council on Science and Health.
Bourque, Jean-Jacques
- Retired psychiatrist, Montreal, Canada
Chaouachi, Kamal
- Tobacco researcher specializing in medical anthropology. Holder of a post-graduate diploma in Tobacco Science from the University of Paris (1998). Taught hookah science to French doctors (University of Paris XI-XII, 2006-2010). Scientific collaborator of various research centres in Asia, Africa and Europe. Paris, France
Denson, Late Ken
- Medical researcher Thame Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research Foundation, UK
Even, Philippe
- Pulmonologist, president of the Necker Research Institute, now retired, Paris France
- "They have created a fear based on nothing"
- Le Parisien (Translated in English, Dutch)
Frenk, Hanan
- Tel Aviv University, Israel Psychologist
Gori, Gio Batta
- Epidemiologist and toxicologist, fellow of the Health Policy Center in Bethesda, Md. He is a former deputy director of the National Cancer Institute's Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention.
Molimard, Robert
- Professor emeritus of physiology and coordinator of the DIU of Tabacologie to the Faculty of Medicine Paris-South.
- Founder of the first French learned society on tobacco and nicotine dependence, inventor of the word tabacology.
- Author of “La Fume” and the “Small handbook of Défume”, Paris, France
Phillips, Carl V.
- Researcher and consultant in areas related to economics, epidemiology, scientific epistemology, and social research. Spent most of his career as a professor of public health and now has an independent academic-style research lab, Populi Health Institute. U.S.A.
Ropohl, Günter
- Prof.Günter Ropohl studied both, mechanical engineering as well as philosophy at Stuttgart Universität, obtaining his PhD (Dr - Ing) in 1970. In 1978 Prof. Ropohl wrote his Habilitation thesis in philosophy and sociology at Karlsruhe Universität where in 1979 he became Professor. In 1981 Prof. Ropohl became Professor for general technology and philosophy of technology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, where he lectured until 2004.
- Prof. Ropohl is is an honorary member of the German Engineering Association (VDI) and published more than 210 articles and 30 books. (10 as author and 20 as editor or co-editor). Prof. Ropohl also wrote a number of critical articles in NovoArgumente about passive smoking, smoking bans and the WHO. Underneath each article there is this statement: :
- "Prof. em. Günter Ropohl hat bis 2004 Wissenschafts- und Technikphilosophie an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main gelehrt. Seine Verbindung zur Tabakindustrie beschränkt sich darauf, dass er ihre Produkte genussvoll konsumiert. Bezahlte Aufträge aus dieser Branche hat er nie erhalten. Dies sei erwähnt, um den unsachlichen Verdächtigungen zuvorzukommen, mit denen Tabakgegner wissenschaftliche Argumente zu ersetzen versuchen. Dank für wertvolle Hinweise gebührt Christoph Lövenich."
Shaw, Michael D.
- Environmental scientist, California
Simpson, Terry
- Scientist, Author,Surgeon, Phoenix, Az
Snel, Jan
- Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, NL Psycho-physiologist